Knocking Bicycles – Again!

Washington Post Sounds the Alarm on Bicycle Accident Medical Costs—Loudly

When I bicycled in DC and suburban Maryland more than a decade ago, I got used to the Washington Post’s editorials, op-eds, and letters to the editor being, on average,  biased against bicycles.  Now the Post has knocked cycling again by publishing a story headlined: “As bike commuting soars, so do injuries. Annual medical costs are now in the billions.”

(The byline was Ariana Eunjung Cha, and I’d put money on a bet she doesn’t commute by bicycle. But I wouldn’t put money on the likelihood of her having written the headline; that was the work of some editor in the vein of “cycling is a pain in the ass” Washington Post editorial culture.)

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Ransomware as Camouflage, and More Diversions

[Dear Reader: please note that The Guardian has no paywall (yet), so if you read the article linked to below, you should really think of making a donation.  All the more so since journalists are under serious attack.]

The uproar over the somewhat-misnamed “Petya” ransomware attack has largely drowned out the near-certainty that the “ransom” part wasn’t the half of it.  Experts point to many clues that imply the malware was most probably a destructive virus disguised as ransomware—and its primary target was the government of Ukraine. See this article in The Guardian, and scroll down to the part titled “Who is behind the attack”:

More on “Petya” from The Guardian

There’s a deeper deception probably going on. One of the early targets was the Russian oil company Rosneft, but Rosneft reported its drilling operations were unaffected due to switching to a backup server system. Russian banks were also hit, but so far no disasters have been reported; the Russian central bank referred to “isolated cases” of infection.

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Rescuing Mud, Battling Carbon: Not Commensurate

It’s Sedimentary: Rethinking the Role of Mud

Sediment starvation is another slowly building crisis, but at least this one has more tractable solutions than Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) from Greenhouse Gases (GHG). Check out this piece in Yale Environment 360 that sketches out the problem and the solutions:
Sediment Loss and Restoration

As the article says, Southern Louisiana has lost 2,000 square miles of land and 20% of its wetlands since the 1930’s, when the Army Corps of Engineers set upon the Mississippi River with all the water-taming tools at its disposal. Throughout the world, 57,600 large dams and innumerable small ones are trapping sediment which would otherwise enrich downstream ecosystems.* Robin Grossinger of the San Francisco Estuary Institute likens it to “starving” the ecosystems of “nutrients, minerals, and vitamins [that] these systems need to grow and adapt.”*

Read the article in Yale Environment 360 linked above, for a look at ongoing and potential ways to redistribute trapped sediment, even without necessarily dismantling dams.

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The Art of the No Deal

A Different Game for Trump, and He Doesn’t Get It

Should we take Donald Trump at his word (always a dangerous practice) that he would like to renegotiate the Paris Climate Agreement on terms more favorable to the U.S.—or is he just knowingly making an empty offer to cover his intransigence with a pretense of flexibility?

Sanity would plead the latter—no matter how transparent the pretense, he can say to his base in 2020, “Look, I offered to negotiate but the liberals are still whining. The failed deal is on their heads.”

But let’s just suppose that President Trump has some illusion that he can actually get a new “deal” from 197 other countries. What does that tell us about the world of carnival mirrors he inhabits?

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Who’s Really Laughing at Us? (Hint: he’s a former spy.)

It seems that just about every irony you can invent dogs the Presidency of Donald Trump—the latest being that on the same day Trump was ranting about how the whole world was laughing at us, Vladimir Putin was admitting, in his characteristically oblique fashion, that Russia really was behind the hacking of the DNC and revelation of yet more Hillary Clinton emails.

This after months of Putin allowing Trump, flailing about with indignation, to speculate publicly about how many other possibilities for election tampering there were besides Russians—despite the agreement among several U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia was indeed behind the hacking.

(A Trump realization: Oops! So it was the Russians, after all? You mean, maybe they’re the ones who got me elected?)

So if any foreign country’s leaders are laughing at us, it would be the Russians.

You gotta admit, Vladimir Putin is a master of dissembling, on everything from the invasion of Ukraine to war crimes in Syria to alleging he has no designs on the Baltic states. I watched the video of him identifying the hackers as most likely non-governmental Russian “patriots”—and there was virtually no sign of emotion besides a momentary sly smile.  (That smile was for YOU, Donald, you sucker!)

You don’t need late-night comedians to make a fool of Donald Trump, all you need is another leader with a similarly thuggish mentality who is always a step or two ahead of him. Stay tuned for more of the same in months to come.




It’s Not about Climate Change, It’s about Obama

Last evening (Thursday) Mike Lee—one of the 22 Republican senators who sent a letter to President Trump recommending withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement—was interviewed on PBS.  As you might expect, he asserted with a great show of solemnity that Trump’s decision was “the right thing to do” at least twice during the interview.

But what I didn’t quite expect was that the first thing out of his mouth was not about the Paris accord itself, nor was it about climate or jobs or the economy—no, it was about the way Obama had drawn the U.S. into the agreement without the consent of the Senate (as he, or course, had every right to do).

And there it was. . . another surfacing of the anti-Obama toxin that has steadily dripped through the veins of the Republican Party ever since 2008. If the Paris Agreement had been entered into by a President McCain or President Romney, do you think it would have taken such a pounding from Mike Lee, or any other of the Republican senators who have defied common sense and the will of the rest of the world?

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Mercenaries Track Pipeline Protesters

Darkening Future for Protesters

Thanks to some  dogged sleuthing on the part of investigative journalists at The Intercept, we can hear the pitter-patter of little security-agent feet taking baby steps toward a police state in the good old land of the free and the home of the brave. See:

Police State Rising

As you read the article, you may find yourself wondering, who is better entitled to be paranoid—pipeline builders  and their private police forces or pipeline protestors? OK, that’s rhetorical question, but I say it to underscore the imbalance between the two forces. The language used by security agency “TigerSwan” would be comical if it were not so darkly ominous: protestors are likened to jihadists, and combating the “anti-DAPL [anti-Dakota Access Pipeline] diaspora” calls for “aggressive intelligence preparation of the battlefield.”

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