Biden, Ageism, and the 46 Percent

Biden’s Age Handicap

Yesterday I saw two TV commercials for the upcoming NFL football season.  Both of them highlighted fast running, tackling, and catching passes (and instantly being tackled).  Seeing it immediately made me realize why Joe Biden is polling roughly equal to Trump for President, with some pundits venturing if the election were run today Trump would win or come close. To those of us on the Left, this seems both frightening and barely credible.

Even setting aside the flaws of polls in predicting elections—especially 14 months out—one can still be alarmed by at least one poll showing a horse race at 46 vs 46 pct. Who are the 46% favoring Trump?  Let’s say 20-25% of the U.S. population  are die-hard Trump supporters; many of them are members of a cult who could even find justification for Donald Trump murdering a child in broad daylight. Another 10%  are from the ranks who are not die-hard Trump supporters but who would vote for any Republican in any election.

That leaves another 10-12% of the Americans who support Trump against Biden for reasons not immediately clear.

It’s clearer if you take popularity of football as a symptom of the ageist mindset that undermines Biden’s stature.

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