Crimes against Nature, I: Border Wall

Inhumanity compounding inhumanity: the monumental price of “homeland security”

Trump’s border wall, an embodiment of cruel immigration policies, is inhumane to people to a degree that is criminal—if not according to written law, then according to moral laws we grasp by intuition. Even many of those whose job it is to enforce draconian immigration policies intuit those laws—it’s just that they don’t obey them.

Border Wall dividing and conquering life

There’s another, less visible, less publicized inhumanity, that is not so plainly criminal. But in the long run it may be just as devastating to the living world as to refugees and asylum seekers. That’s the way a continuous wall carves up vital, often fragile habitat, puts up barriers to creatures who have neither understanding of, nor use for, political boundaries, and robs the environment of resiliency. We know how habitat fragmentation has diminished the capability of living things to cope with such additional man-made injuries as climate change.  However, some things that fragment and destroy habitat have at least the excuse of some utility: roads, farms, power lines, airports, wind farms, solar energy arrays, etc. But this ugly artifice has little purpose besides division for division’s sake. It is a monument to human vanity, and especially the vanity of one corrupt, depraved individual, U.S. President Donald Trump.

Ocelot native to southern Texas

So many wildlife refuges and sanctuaries are already under assault by the Wall or are soon to be, that I gave up trying to list them here.  Just do a search on a string such as “threatened wildlife refuge border wall,” or similar keywords, and you’ll find enough of them to make you seethe, or weep. One particular lovely and  imminently jeopardized landscape can be seen at Lower Rio Grande Valley Wildlife Refuge

The horrific and potentially irreparable damage resulting from extensions of a continuous border wall would spread well beyond wildlife refuges, as described in a paper in the journal Bioscience and summarized last summer in an article in Cosmos. (I referred to this same piece in a post last year; it’s even more urgent today.) The article had 16 co-authors and was endorsed by 2,500 scientists worldwide.

Continue reading “Crimes against Nature, I: Border Wall”

Statistical Case for Global Warming Approaches Certainty

Five Sigma threshold crossed for Global Warming
What the heck is “Five Sigma?” 

The online publication Earther recently reported the strengthening of the statistical case for global warming based on satellite data.  If you find Earther’s Evidence for Global Warming Passes Physics’ Gold Standard Threshold readily comprehensible, then you need not read most of this post. (The “Gold Standard” is five sigma.)

If you have been pretty satisfied with the Earther article, I invite you to skip way down to the section “Three further notes of clarification [etc.]

If Earther’s piece is not easily comprehensible, that’s probably because writer Daniel Kahn did not explain just what “five sigma” means statistically.  My hunch is that 30% of my readers will understand and remember it, another 45% understood it in the past but have forgotten a lot of it, and the remaining 25% may never have had it presented to them.  If you belong to the latter group, don’t blame yourself—blame the scattershot American education system.

Simply said, “five sigma” comes down to we have zillions of measurements and 99.99994% of them confirm that global warming is real. There is an item of faith here: you have to trust that NASA has amassed enough data over a long enough period of time to meet the requirements of a statistical analysis. My “zillions of measurements” encapsulates that faith to my satisfaction. Very scientifically of course. (Well . . . The Shorter Oxford English Dictionary defines zillion as “a very large but indefinite number.”)

Does understanding “five sigma” matter?

It matters if you’d like to have a scientifically bulletproof case for the existence of global warming. Don’t you want bulletproofness?

Continue reading “Statistical Case for Global Warming Approaches Certainty”