Poll Found Americans Undecided on What?!?

Via NPR I heard a few weeks ago that 52% of Americans felt that Trump’s response to the Charlottesvile domestic terrorism did not go far enough in denouncing White Supremacists and Nazis in our midst. That’s according to an NPR/PBS poll in mid-August.

27% feel that his response was appropriate. No surprises there. We know who they are.

Here’s the baffling part: 21% were  undecided!  A number which is astonishing, disturbing, and . . . evidence that at least a fifth of Americans are either (1) deaf dumb and blind; (2) so addicted to sports or Game of Thrones that they don’t know anything besides; (3) appallingly apathetic; (4)  ignorant of the most basic facts of American (not to mention world) history; (5) so influenced by right-wing propaganda that THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT TO THINK.   The cultivated doubt that has infected attitudes to climate change, health care, medical science, ecological science, has even spread to what you’d think would be clear moral understanding.